Thursday, July 11, 2013


Everyday, life is filled with INTERSECTIONS:  Significant moments where roads cross.  But of these moments, the key intersection is when we meet the God who created us.  When our sin intersects with his forgiveness - When our brokenness intersects with his healing.  
This crossroad should radically alter ALL the other intersections of our life!  It should change the way we intersect with human suffering.  It should change the way we intersect with appealing agendas.
It should affect each of the moral choices we make.  Our personal encounter with God should change the way we intersect with people living in spiritual emptiness.  
BOTTOM LINE:  If our intersection with God does not change ALL the other intersections of our life, then it raises the question, “Have we really, deeply intersected with God?”  Powerful question.  Eye-opening answers. 

Join us for this series as we empower you to intersect with the key areas of your life… God’s way.