Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NEW SERIES: The God Factor

We are so excited to kick off our new series on 11/11/12 called The God Factor.  So many people are at the end of themselves.  They have tried everything in their own strength to change their circumstances and nothing is working.  They need help. 

In this series, we will learn how God breaks through in miraculous ways.  We will look at The God Factor: How to experience God's presence and power in a life-changing way.

Don't miss it.  Invite a friend.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Festival @ The Mall

Don't miss our Fall Festival @ the Mall coming Saturday, October 27th from 2pm - 4pm.  Everyone welcome.  All free!  Hayrides, popcorn, carnival games, huge inflatables, trunk or treat, music and more.  It all happens in the grassy field at the Mill-Walk Mall.  See you there. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ECC: A Place to Serve

The strength of every church is its volunteers.  At Eagle Creek, we have dozens of folks serving God with their gifts.  Whether teaching children, running sound or serving coffee, our team is passionate about accomplishing great things... together.

ECC: A Place of Hope

In a world of so much pain and discouragement, the church should be a place of hope!  When you come to Eagle Creek, you will hear the Good News of Jesus for you and your family.  We believe that God called us to be messengers of hope to you and our world. 

ECC: A Place of Acceptance

At Eagle Creek we welcome you the way you are.  Whether rich or poor, young or old, saint or sinner, tux or jeans, married or single... we're glad you've come.  Whether you are un-churched, de-churched or glad to be at church, we want you feel the unconditional love of Jesus reaching out to you. 

ECC: A Place of Worship

At Eagle Creek we believe strongly in worship.  We serve a BIG God who is worthy of a big sound!  We want our worship to be uplifting and full of life.  When you come to Eagle Creek you can expect passionate worship from our band.

ECC: A Place for Kids

At Eagle Creek, we believe children are a gift from God.  All of our workers are screened and love the children they work with.  Kids should feel cared for when coming to church, right?!  That's why we make church a safe, fun and loving environment for all of our little ones.