Tuesday, April 30, 2013

YouVersion: Now "Live" On Sundays

If you're planning to check us out on a Sunday, make sure to bring your SmartPhone to service.  Download the YouVersion app and click on "live event."  You'll be able to follow along with the message on your phone, take notes, read Bible verses, etc.  We'll just trust that you're not texting during the sermon.  :-).  Have fun with it.  

Water Baptism Sunday

We're excited to host our first baptism as a campus!  Join us on Sunday, May 5th for a morning of celebration.  It will be a day to remember as followers of Jesus take the next big step and publicly show their faith. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Series: "5 Deadly Attitudes"

Join us at ECC as we dive into fascinating study of the "5 Deadly Attitudes" that wreck your relationship with God and others.  We will cover the topics of:

* I'm Never Wrong
* I'm Not Capable
* I Deserve More
* I'm Not Responsible
* I Can Do It Myself  

Bring a friend because I'm sure this series is for them... not you, right?  :-)  See you Sunday at ECC! 

Easter Week @ Eagle Creek

Here are some shots from the wonderful Easter service and celebration!  It was a great day.  If you were a guest with us, we're so glad you came.  You are always welcome at ECC.